Unlock VIP Luxury
Our Exclusive VIP Ticket Package!

VIP Package overview

Experience the epitome of luxury with our VIP Ticket Package! This exclusive offer includes four tickets for you and your guests, ensuring a memorable group experience at the event. Enjoy the privilege of early access at 11:30am, beating the crowds to immerse yourself in the excitement.

Elevated VIP Experience

Satisfy your cravings with a complimentary Mimosa or Bloody Mary served in a stylish souvenir cup. Delight in the exclusive perks of our swag bag, filled with goodies curated just for our VIP guests.

Upgrade to VIP!

Early Access
Enjoy the privilege of early access at 11:30am, beating the crowds to immerse yourself in the excitement.
VIP Raffles & Giveaways
Exclusive raffles and giveaways, giving you the chance to win incredible prizes that are reserved just for our most esteemed guests.
Complimentary Drink
Quench your thirst with one complimentary Mimosa or Bloody Mary served in a stylish souvenir cup.
Exclusive Swag Bag
Get a swag bag filled with exclusive goodies from limited-edition merchandise to special treats, curated just for our VIP guests.
Enter to Win a Dream Vacation Getaway!
Brought to you by Kitchen Tradition Bridal Registry, our grand prize for this year's event is a 7-Day dream vacation that entitles 2 adults and up to 2 guests to 7-nights of resort accommodations at one of the fabulous destinations at one of up to 3000 Resorts across the world. VIP ticket holders get an automatic two entries in the raffle versus general admission's one entry. Must be present to win.